Fencing is important to keep your territory safe and free from stray animals. It is also essential if you need more privacy, want to block chilly winds on the rooftop or perhaps cover a street view or secure a pool. There are many companies which provide aluminum fences or wood fences to cater to the needs of a multitude of the audience. To choose the right fence based on your space and needs, here are the steps you need to follow.
To gain privacy
If privacy is the sole purpose of putting an enclosure, consider choosing a fence with little or no space between the boards. The height of this fence will depend on the slope of your yard or your neighbor’s yard. Before you get the fencing done by the professional, create a dummy of the height of the fence you are considering with the use of cardboard and ask anyone to hold it while walking around the perimeter of your yard. Stand up and sit in each are of your yard to determine if the fence will be high enough for your privacy needs.
To block strong winds
When you need to block the strong breeze on the rooftop but don’t want to block the splendid view, consider glass fencing options. If you largely need to keep the wind out of a rooftop places, the fence has to be few feet lower around an area where people will be sitting or standing.
For enhanced security
Security fences are usually taller, sturdy, lack places of grip and have a lockable gate. Any security fence should around 8 feet high, although you can add a few feet of the grille to the top of a 6-foot fence for added safety. Choose a fence that should not have horizontal rails on the outside, to prevent potential burglar climbing it.
To block a street view
When your home is on the busy streets, creating a powerful fencing solution is the only way to keep your backyard quiet and serene. To choose a fence that allows light in but is equally powerful, it is wise to pick a fence with small gaps between boards. You can even try a frosted glass design, to keep your area secluded and no commuters can view what’s inside your backyard.
To keep your pets in
Fencing is a good way to keep the pets in. But before getting the fencing done for this purpose, know your pet well. If it’s a dog, check if he/she is a digger or a jumper. Generally, a 4-5-foot fence will be enough for small dogs and if they are not jumpers. Big breed dogs require something taller and if they are diggers, bury the fence at least 6 inches underground or place hardscaping along the fence line.
Contact us on (954) 369-5506 for a free survey and quote.
You can also email us: [email protected] or view our website at https://browardcountyfence.com.
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